Donate Online
One-Time or Recurring Monthly Donations
We are using Paypal's secure service to receive online donations. You do not need to sign up for a Paypal account for a one-time donation.
Bank 'Bill Payment' Donations
A convenient way to donate each month is through a bank's 'Bill Payment' service. You may set up a monthly check to be sent to Eleos International Ministries on a specific date each month. In most cases, this is at no additional charge.
Donations By Mail
If you would like to send a donation by mail you may make your check out to and send to:
Eleos International Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 5092, Old Bridge, NJ 08857
United Way / Corporate Giving
You may be able to multiply your gift by 25-100% by giving through the United Way or through a "Matching Gift" program where you work. Many corporations participate in programs like these to encourage their employees to give to non-profit organizations. Some corporations will match between 25% - 100% of your designated gift; that means that a $50 a month gift can increase to $62.50, $75, or even $100 depending on the policy of your company.
You may contact the United Way or the "Matching Gift" representative where you work for more information on how you may set up your donation to go specifically to Eleos International Ministries. In most cases you will need to provide our name, address, and phone number:
Eleos International Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 5092, Old Bridge, NJ 08857
(732) 490-6239
Please contact us if we can help in any way as you set up your donation.
Privacy Statement
Eleos International Ministries, Inc. will not, for any reason, share any information you provide to any other organization.